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Written by Mattie Crombez

Posted on 26/06/2024

Mattie Crombez

Hangouts by Jong Volk: Discover the hotspots of Bruges

Jong Volk launched a new app helping youth discover hotspots in Bruges. 

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Jong Volk launched their new Hangouts app to transform how young people experience Bruges. The app highlights popular youth hotspots and features various events at these locations. With this initiative we want to counter stereotypes about Bruges being uninteresting for the younger demographic. Our expertise in youth-focused UI, in collaboration with Jong Volk’s amazing content curation, resulted in a platform where both locals and visitors can explore all the cool spots and events Bruges offers.

Download the app now!

Read more about the launch party in De Krant van West-Vlaanderen

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Whats App Image 2024 06 26 at 13 15 00

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